Shaping them for
a normal life


Matimand Vikas Shikshan Mandal runs entirely on donations. Your generous support helps us provide much needed assistance to care for our children.

Won't you please help us keep up the good work?

  • Recurring donations of even small amounts make it easy to support Matimand Vikas Shikshan Mandal
  • Make this donation in honour of or in memory of someone you love.

Make a donation in honour of someone special; in recognition of a special occasion such as a birthday, an anniversary, a wedding, a festival; in celebration of an achievement or simply just to let them know you are thinking about them.

How Can You Help :

Given To Matimand Vikas School is Taxfree( Income Tax Exemption 80-G . )

Kindly Draw Cheque / D.D on Favour of "Matimand Vikas Shikshan Mandal " only

Society Reg.Act 1860 No.M.A.H.-500,Ahmednagar,Date :01.10.1981
Public Trust Act 1950 F-455 Ahmednadar,Date :03.11.1981
Income Tax Exemption 80-G Re.

National Trust Registration No. :1317/MR/CP/Autism/MD